What I’m Thankful For in 2017


What I’m Thankful For in 2017

2017 has been an AMAZING year in so many ways! Here are a few of the things I’m thankful for:

1. Our house is ALMOST done!
You guys! I’m so excited! When Aaron and I bought this fixer-upper almost a year ago, we knew it would take a while to get it where we wanted it. And now our dreams are coming true. Check out details at @the1890brickyhouse!

2. And my studio!
#1 means that the MANMAN studio is almost done too 🙂 I’ll have my own legit workspace (mural coming soon from the talented @Idnehlsart) in my house, complete with a client meeting space and eventually a store where I can feature all my friends and local artists’ work. Hit me up if you want to be included (or if you just want to work in my office with me)!

3. My new neighborhood
Before I moved here, I didn’t even know this tiny little town existed. But it’s been perfect for us. We love the close-knit, small-town feeling—we actually know and LIKE our neighbors and we all look out for each other (going on 4x that our neighbors have saved LunaBear from traffic). Yet we’re also super-close to downtown Cincy, so we can hop over there anytime we want (and we do often!).

4. Meeting cool people
In my new “hometown,” across Cincinnati and across the nation, I feel soooo lucky to have met lots of amazing people this year. Lately I’ve been meeting up with fellow Instagrammers when I travel for work in a new city….which has been a super-cool way to meet new creatives. I’ve heard SO many great stories from all of you (friends and family alike) who have experienced newfound happiness and success in your careers this year, and it really inspires and energizes me!

5. The first MANMAN interns
Speaking of cool people, our first MANMAN interns were AMAZING! We were so blessed to be able to afford two interns this year, and even luckier to get two of the best to start with! Thank you for everything you did this year, Brittany Ashley (@averagebibliophile)and Salena Steele (@139.made)!! And also a huge thanks to all the other people who help me on a regular basis, with accounting, marketing and design! We couldn’t do it without you!

6. Business success
Again this year, I’m just flabbergasted at the continued success of MANMAN. Yeah, I’m a hard worker and go-getter (some people might see me as a workaholic), but because my job is doing what I love, I don’t mind “working”! The cool thing is that I can tell it’s paying off. I’ve been gaining steady traction on my blog and Instagram, I’ve brought in cool new clients, and I’ve traveled more this year than ever before (including Los Angeles, Denver, Boston, Washington DC, Austin, Nashville, Minneapolis, Houston, North Carolina, Utah, Wyoming, Atlanta and Michigan!

7. Babies!
Not ours, haha! But two delightful bundles of joy did join Aaron’s side of the family this year. And they are the most precious little stinkers you’ve ever seen! I just love to snuggle with them, take photos of them and feel their tiny hands curl around my fingers.

8. My hair is finally growing to a bob length
This might be the most important of all! (jk) But I am really excited that my hair is growing out! Soon I’m going to be able to do braids again and have a ponytail!!!! I’m telling you guys, growing your hair out from a pixie cut is NO JOKE. It takes for freakin ever and goes through sooooo many awkward stages before it finally gets to an “I-look-somewhat-normal” state. So for reals, super stoked about this accomplishment this year! XD

I hope you’ve had a great year too and that you take time this week to reflect on all the good things you have going on in your life right now! Feel free to share them with me, good vibes! 🙂
